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About Us


Shiny. Smooth. Brilliant.

Have you ever enjoyed putting on a piece of jewelry? And I mean, truly enjoyed it. Clasping a stunning yellow gold bracelet around your wrist, or whisps of dangling white gold flowing from your ears, or maybe it’s the studded necklace draping around your neck. It gives you confidence. It shows your character, your soul. It provides creativity. It allows you, to be you. 


Since 2011, we have provided access to high end body jewelry, for all the piercings that you have or would like to have! We believe that if your body is a temple, you should be able to decorate it with the best of the best. Now is the time to take back control of accessibility. Piercing trends are diverse and ever changing, and we love riding that wave. We source and lean into the trends as they happen. Our site will constantly evolve to include the newest body jewelry available on the market. Don't see something you like? We take all requests! We even have access to custom designs and jewelers so never hesitate to ask. We love what we do and we are honored to show you what can be possible. Follow our social media @Mbodyjewelry for the latest updates and jewelry drops!



Buddha Jewelry Organics

The confidence you get while wearing BJO is priceless. All materials used in the designs are nickel-free, lead-free, and of the highest quality.

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Junipurr's creativity and unique designs have materials sourced from suppliers with proven positive human rights records, and the highest integrity production.

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Art for the body

We source only quality, designer jewelry that we have worked with for years to ensure the longevity of each individual piece. By continuously learning and evolving, we can provide not only the most creative jewelry on the market, but customizable options for all jewelry/piercing enthusiasts as well. We want you to feel confident in the pieces you wear and comfortable in the purchases you make from us.

M Body Jewelry is a representation of what we love; creativity, quality, self-expression and of course, shiny jewelry. M was founded by a professional piercer in Northern Virginia because they what they do and love spreading knowledge and accessibility.

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LeRoi Jewelry

LeRoi has dedicated themselves to the ever evolving demands of the body adornment industry with quality, fine jewelry and decades of experience.

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Metal Mafia

Metal Mafia trades on the principle that ethics matter and always transparently define their materials and certifications.

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